C5.91 CDM storage functionality [for specimen and observation data] implemented

Import of specimen data in the EDIT Common Data Model database:

The EDIT Specimen Explorer for Taxonomists (http://search.biocase.org/edit/) provides users with fast and easy-to-use access to worldwide biodiversity data, and offers full control over query expansion. The portal accepts one or more Latin names, suggests related query terms for both zoological and botanical data, expands the query accordingly and offers complete BioCASE portal functionality for resulting specimen and observation data (from the GBIF index).

Users now have the option to save the full data received from their queries in the CDM (EDIT Common Data Model) database and thus use them in the context of the EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy.

Two kinds of files can be imported:

  • Specimen and observation data from a XML file (ABCD2.06 standard only)
  • Specimen and observation (units) data stored in a tabular file, with a pre-defined and limited list of columns (such as unitID, taxonName, gathering
    information such as country, locality and coordinates, collector’s name, collector number, field number, basis of record…).

The import functionality has been developed in Java as a part of the CDM’s Input/Output Library and take as parameter the location (on the local computer) of the file containing the units to save. Several units can be saved in one run.

The code is available in the EDIT subversion repository:

